Novel TEM applications with precession electron diffraction: orientation imaging at nm scale, strain analysis, and solving structures ab-initio

Novel TEM applications with precession electron diffraction: orientation imaging at nm scale, strain analysis, and solving structures ab-initio Robert Stroud NanoMEGAS USA 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Location: Engineering Tower 652 Precession electron diffraction (PED) in TEM is an emerging technique, using electron diffraction patterns collection very close to kinematical condition (like in…Continue Reading Novel TEM applications with precession electron diffraction: orientation imaging at nm scale, strain analysis, and solving structures ab-initio

SCSMM 2017 fall meeting

SCSMM 2017 fall meeting will be held at City of Hope Beckman Center Argyros Auditorium on November 2nd. Caltech Linde Professor of Physics emeritus and former LIGO director Barry C. Barish is the invited speaker. The formal announcement can be downloaded here. RSVP is required Due to the generous support of our corporate members, registration…Continue Reading SCSMM 2017 fall meeting

Nature Materials News & Views Published: 14 October 2019 Nature Materials News & Views published: 14 October 2019 have cited the work of Prof. Matt Law’s group (Ref 6) QUANTUM DOT SOLIDS Mesoscale metamorphosis Tobias Hanrath The path from ordered assemblies of quantum dots to epitaxially connected quantum dot solids is revealed with X-ray scattering and electron microscopy investigations. The directed assembly of…Continue Reading Nature Materials News & Views Published: 14 October 2019

UCI Scientists Create New Class of Two-dimensional Materials… June 6, 2019 – In a paper published this week in Nature, materials science researchers at the University of California, Irvine, and other institutions unveil a new process for producing oxide perovskite crystals in exquisitely flexible, free-standing layers. A two-dimensional rendition of this substance is intriguing to scientists and engineers because 2D materials have been shown…Continue Reading UCI Scientists Create New Class of Two-dimensional Materials

UCI Scientists Develop Method for Observing Nanocrystal Formation at Atomic Resolution

UCI NEWS, January 25, 2019 Scientists at UCI’s Irvine Materials Research Institute have made a breakthrough in directly imaging a platinum precursor compound and its dynamic transformation into nanocrystals. The observation was made in real space and time in IMRI’s state-of-the-art transmission electron microscope facility. The research team’s results were published today in Science Advances. Knowing the dynamics and kinetics…Continue Reading UCI Scientists Develop Method for Observing Nanocrystal Formation at Atomic Resolution

Oxide Materials Discovery May Advance Electronic Device Development

Scientists from UCI, other institutions report breakthrough in Nature Nanotechnology September 24, 2018 – Materials scientists at the University of California, Irvine and other institutions have made a breakthrough discovery in the study of oxide heterostructures, substances that have the potential to revolutionize advanced electronics, memory technologies and photovoltaics. In an article published today in Nature Nanotechnology,…Continue Reading Oxide Materials Discovery May Advance Electronic Device Development

Engineers Pioneer Platinum Shell Formation Process – and Achieve First-ever Observation

Engineers pioneer platinum shell formation process – and achieve first-ever observation August 8, 2017 UCI researchers have devised a new method of dynamically forming a platinum shell on a metallic alloy nanoparticle core, a development that may lead to better materials for oxygen reduction reactions in fuel cells that power some cars and electronic devices….Continue Reading Engineers Pioneer Platinum Shell Formation Process – and Achieve First-ever Observation