Surface Analysis

Location & Information

SSF Labs is located on the 1st floor of the Calit2 Building in room 1322 (Kratos AXIS-Supra) and room 1302 (Polytec MSA-500). For general inquiries and feedback, you can submit through the Suggestion Portal on the left sidebar. For questions regarding specific techniques or instruments, please contact corresponding Supporting Staff members.

Supporting Staff

Dr. Ich Tran (SSF Manager)

Dr. Leo Yechuan Chen (Lab Assistant)

Mounika Kodali (Lab Assistant)

Dr. Jian-Guo Zheng (Director of Facilities)

The Surface Science Facility houses a cluster of instruments for non-destructive characterizations of spectroscopic and structural properties of surfaces and interfaces of materials and devices.

All instruments are open-access to users from on-campus, off-campus academic institutions, and commercial sectors. Usage is billed following standard Recharge Rates. To schedule instrument usage, please go to the IMRI Facility Management System.

To gain access to the instruments and SSF Labs, please refer to the Become A User for general access information. Once an active IMRI account is established, you can sign-up for instrument training HERE.

We also offer staff-operated testing services to all registered users. To arrange for a test service, please go to Request Testing Service.

Surface Sciences Facility instruments are capable of performing:

Kratos AXIS-Supra
  • X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) with a dual Al/Ag monochromatic X-ray source
  • Ultra-violet Photoelectron Spectroscopy (UPS)
  • Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
  • Scanning Electron and Auger Electron Microscopy (SEM/SAM)
  • Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (ISS)
  • Reflection Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (REELS)
  • Angle-Resolved XPS/UPS/AES/REELS
  • XPS Parallel Imaging
  • Sample surface cleaning and etching, even for soft materials, with a Gas Cluster Ion Source (GCIS)
  • Charge-Neutralizer for measurements on non-conductive samples
  • Depth-profiling Analysis
  • In-situ and in-vacuo heating/cooling
  • In-situ and in-vacuo gas dosing with capability of residual gas analysis (RGA)
  • Crystal-cleaver
  • Sub-monolayer and multi-layer controlled co-depositions
  • Attached glove box for air-sensitive sample preparation and analysis
  • Attached UHV Surface Science Station (SSS) for customized experiments
  • Fully automated sample handling, data acquisition and data processing
Polytec Micro System Analyzer (MSA-500)
  • Out-of-plane vibration measurements using the Polytec Microscope Scanning Vibrometer (PSV)
  • In-plane vibration measurements using the Planar Motion Analyzer (PMA)
  • 3D topography measurements using the Topography Measurement System (TMS)