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Any Suggestions?
Write to us so we can better serve you and other IMRI users.
General Guidelines
- Anyone who is experiencing cold/flu symptoms or came into contact with a person with COVID-19 within the past 5 days must not enter the IMRI facilities. If you are affected by the COVID-19 virus, you must follow the UCI isolation policy, which is available on the UCI EH&S website.
- Users must wear gloves when using IMRI instruments.
- No food or drinks are allowed in the IMRI facilities.
- All SOPs must be followed to prevent personal injury and damage to IMRI instruments.
- All users must wear long pants and closed-toed shoes while in the lab and an appropriate lab coat, gloves, and eye or face protection while working with or near hazardous materials.
- Personal safety must be considered when working in the lab alone. A Working Alone Reference Guide is available from EH&S.
- Research that generates large volumes of hazardous waste and/or necessarily involves chemical, biological, radioactive, or other hazards is prohibited without prior approval from IMRI staff.
IMRI users must observe the following rules when in the IMRI facilities:
- Users must follow all special safety rules.
- Only trained users can use the IMRI instruments.
- Users who have symptoms of sickness or were exposed to a person with COVID-19 must not enter the IMRI facilities.
- Users must wear clean gloves at all times in the facilities. Gloves are available at each facility entrance. Normal lab gloves cannot be used to handle chemicals.
- Users must keep their cell phones with them at all times. Emergency contacts are posted near each facility entrance. Please check and keep a copy of the emergency contacts before using the instruments.
- As always, no food or drinks are allowed in the facilities.
- IMRI’s top priority is your health and safety. Staff should work on campus whenever possible, but there is no pressure to work in any situation in which you feel that your health or safety are at risk.
- Staff who have symptoms of sickness or were exposed to a person with COVID-19 should report it and stay at home.
- Staff are authorized to enforce the SOPs and discipline users who violate the rules. Please remain vigilant and responsive to the changing circumstances.
- Please share any concerns and suggestions with Jian-Guo, Matt, and/or Xiaoqing.
Penalties for Safety Violations
If a user violates IMRI’s policies, their IMRI account will be suspended for 1-2 months. Users who violate the policies for a second time will be suspended for a much longer time depending on how serious the situation is.
Safety is the top priority of IMRI facilities. This includes your personal safety and instrument safety.
For personal safety:
Please read the UCI safety-related documents on the EH&S website and the safety training-related link.
Please read the radiation safety training document related to the electron microscope, X-ray diffraction systems, and other radiation generation machines.
You must receive safety training before entering the facilities.
For instrument safety:
Please follow the instrument SOP and instructions of IMRI staff.