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Seminar & Workshop
liquid phase electron microscopy
The website for the GRC on liquid phase EM is now up. The first conference will be January 26 – 31, 2020, Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco. More details can be found at the following website:
IMRI special seminar:Molecular Design for Reliable Organic Electronics
IMRI special seminar:Molecular Design for Reliable Organic Electronics Dr. Xiaofeng Liu Principal Scientist Carbon Nanotube Technologies, LLC Monday, February 11, 2019, 1:30 pm 2201 Natural Sciences II Abstract: Narrow bandgap conjugated small molecules and polymers...
IMRI Special Seminar: The value of In Situ TEM
IMRI Special Seminar: The value of In Situ TEM Dr. David Westmoreland DENSsolutions Friday, February 22, 2019, 1:00 pm 3008 Calit2 Abstract: It’s widely accepted that nanotechnology is essential to solve many of the global challenges which human society is facing...
IMRI Special Seminar: Imaging Materials Properties at the Nanoscale
IMRI Special Seminar: Imaging Materials Properties at the Nanoscale Dr. Fei Huang Bruker Nano Corporation Thursday, February 7, 2019, 1:30 pm 3008 Calit2 Abstract: Nanoscale-resolution imaging is the key metrology method that empowers nanotechnology. The atomic force...
IMRI Special Seminar: Exploiting Functional Materials
IMRI Special seminar: Exploiting Functional Materials Speaker: Dr. Badruz Zaman Applied Chemistry and Environmental Science Quality Engineering Test Establishment, Department of National Defence, Government of Canada Date/time: Monday, February 4, 2019, 1:30 pm Venue:...
IMRI special seminar: Development and Characterization of Synthetic Polymers for Medical Applications
Speaker: Dr. Charles Ye University of Kansas Title: Development and Characterization of Synthetic Polymers for Medical Applications Date/time: Monday, January 28, 2019, 1:30 pm Venue: 2201 Natural Sciences II Abstract: Materials characterization is a branch of...
UC Mesoscale Materials Summer School
UC Mesoscale Materials Summer School August 9-10, 2018 UC Irvine The inaugural UC Mesoscale Materials Summer School will be held August 9-10, 2018 at the University of California, Irvine. This two-day event will bring together students, postdocs, and established...
Novel TEM applications with precession electron diffraction: orientation imaging at nm scale, strain analysis, and solving structures ab-initio
Novel TEM applications with precession electron diffraction: orientation imaging at nm scale, strain analysis, and solving structures ab-initio Robert Stroud NanoMEGAS USA 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m., Tuesday, July 24, 2018 Location: Engineering Tower 652 Precession...
SCSMM 2017 fall meeting
SCSMM 2017 fall meeting will be held at City of Hope Beckman Center Argyros Auditorium on November 2nd. Caltech Linde Professor of Physics emeritus and former LIGO director Barry C. Barish is the invited speaker. The formal announcement can be downloaded here. RSVP is...
Medical Device Seminar
TA Instruments offers a comprehensive suite of analytical tools used for materials characterization. This free one day seminar will focus on characterization of materials and biomaterials used in both medical device applications and medical device testing. Join us as...